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Canadian Immigration

by Alex Berez

Determining whether you meet the Pass-Mark qualifications is the easiest part of the process. The next part is more difficult. You have to gather documentation to support your evaluation score.

Some of the documentation is going to be easier to collect than others. For example, copies of your birth certificate, college transcripts, and marriage license should be fairly simple to acquire. Other items, such as proof of your language proficiency or your arranged employment in Canada may be more difficult.

That's why many potential immigrants choose to hire an immigration consultant or attorney to assist them in completing their Permanent Residence Visa application. These professionals know the ends and outs of the process and can help you get started on the right path.

The only problem is that these professionals are very expensive.

On top of the application and government fees that you'll have to pay no matter what, you'll also be accumulating significant legal costs. In fact, the legal fees alone will cost you THREE TIMES the cost of the mandatory government fees. Plus, if you don't already have employment lined up in Canada , you'll have to prove that you can afford to support yourself and your family after the move. For a family of three, you would need proof of $15,387 in Canadian dollars. With all of the other money, you're going to need to set up your new home, you may not want the extra expense of hiring an immigration professional.

About the Author

Alex Berez is a specialist in Canadian Immigration. He helps people from all over the world achieve their dream of moving to Canada. Step by Step Immigration to Canada http://www.stepbystepimmigrationcanada.com

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